Report Highway Hazards


ABATE of Maryland, Inc. is committed to helping the biker community keep our roads safe for ALL vehicles, not just motorcycles. Please feel free to use this contact information for the Maryland Department of Transportation, State Highway Administration to report ALL highway  emergencies in Maryland (state, county and local roads) that do not require police assistance. State Highway has agreed to take the calls and pass them on to the appropriate personnel.

Statewide Operations Center toll free at


~ or ~

You can also report it to ABATE of Maryland, Inc.

We can track these reported hazards and make sure that the appropriate actions are being taken. Please be sure to include a precise location of the hazard, a general description of the hazard, the date the hazard was seen, the date and time that you called the Statewide Operations Center and any information that may be helpful in tracking this report.

Enter your data in the form below:

Please provide a telephone number so we can contact you if necessary
Example: Jones Road, US Rt. 50, MD Rt. 312, or Main Street
Add as much information as possible
Check one of these options
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Upload pictures or other file. (Example: the road hazard, nearest road sign or landmark)
Please provide enough description to allow us to locate the hazard quickly. If possible provide lane direction (north, south east or west bound), near the town of, near the intersection of what road road, in front of a specific landmark, etc.